Charming wineries near Madrid. Wineries near me.
Wineries near Madrid

Do you want to know which charming wineries near Madrid can be visited?

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There is a lot of charm in the Community of Madrid.

Surely the economic power of Madrid has converted a large part of Madrid’s surroundings into dormitory cities.

It is very good to visit the city with all its charms (the Royal Palace for example) but I suggest you visit also quite a few things around Madrid.

Presentation of Vinos de Madrid

Colmenar de Oreja and Chinchon are cool.

At the same time, there are cities that have not lost their charm at all. And they also have 1 exciting story behind it. Among them are Colmenar de Oreja and Chinchón.

Colmenar de Oreja was the third city with the most inhabitants in the province of Madrid at the end of the 19th century.

Its economy was based on the sale of wine in the capital and the manufacture of clay containers.

Making wine with clay containers was very common in the south of Madrid and throughout Castilla La Mancha.

The clay containers made in Colmenar de Oreja, Villarrobledo and El Toboso were famous.

Those containers could have a capacity of up to 5,000 or 6,000 litres.

It is worth seeing in Villarrobledo the museum of the elaboration of clay containers (see video)

It is surprising to find in Colmenar de Oreja the painting museum of Ulpiano Checa. One could place it in Madrid but not in a city like Colmenar de Oreja. That is perhaps why knowing how important this city was not so long ago.

In this museum, there is a section that served as inspiration for the setting, decoration, and setting of the film Ben-Hur shot in Spain in 1959 with Charlon Heston and Stephen Boyd as protagonists. You can imagine the chariot race scene 100%. It is what you can see in the painting.

Charming wineries near Madrid (all of them with wine tasting) that we recommend you visit

San Esteban de Cenicientos

In Cenicientos. From Madrid. 60 miles. How to get there

Video of Bodega San Esteban de Cenicientos

Licinia Winery

In Morata de Tajuña. From Madrid 32 kms 24 mins. How to get there

Licinia Winery Video

Tagonius Winery

In Tielmes From Madrid 44 kms 29 mins. How to get there

Bodegas del Nero

In Chinchón from Madrid 52 kms 35 mins. How to get there

Bodegas Val Azul

in Chinchon. from Madrid 34 kms 26 mins. How to get there

Bodegas Peral

In Colmenar de Oreja from Madrid. 53 km, 36 min. How to get there

Bodegas Pablo Morate

In Valdelaguna, from Madrid. 47 km 36 min. How to get there

Bodegas Las Moradas de San Martin

In San Martin de Valdeiglesias. From Madrid 83 kms 1h 5 mins. How to get there

Bodegas Jesús Díaz e Hijos

In Colmenar de Oreja. From Madrid 54 kms 37 mins. How to get there

Bodegas El Regajal

in Aranjuez. From Madrid. 57 km 37 min. How to get there

Bodegas Casa del Valle

In Yepes, Toledo From Madrid. 65 km 41 min. How to get there

Visit to Finca la Estacada wineries

In Tarancon, Cuenca. From Madrid. 87 km 55 min. How to get there

Restaurants in Chinchon with terrace

  • La Casa del Convento.
  • La Balconada.
  • Parador de Chinchon.
  • La Casa del Pregonero.

Restaurants in Colmenar de Oreja

  • El Palique.
  • Casa Pepe Restaurant.
  • Crescencio.
  • La Cantina de Mingo.
  • El Casinillo
  • Casa Bolsitas

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