Pedraza, Segovia, 60 miles away from Madrid
Pedraza Segovia

Pedraza, in Segovia, a beautiful place to visit if you are in Madrid.

We are saying all the time that everything is more beautiful if we have a glass of good wine in our hands. But knowing that we are looking for the most beautiful places around Madrid to visit.

We find that Pedraza is one of the most beautiful villages of Spain. It does not matter where you look at. And of course, we do it with a glass of wine in hand.

This medieval village is about 30 km from Segovia and 100 km from Madrid.

Distance Pedraza Segovia

And to go to Pedraza from Segovia.

38 km and 38 mins

The “Villa de Pedraza” is located in the “provincia de Segovia” (Segovia province) at 38 km from Segovia

Visit to Bodegas Ismael Arroyo and Pedraza in the night of el Concierto de las Velas

When is the best time?

When is it the best time to visit this charming village? As I am always saying in our tours I will answer to you that if you ask me in Springtime the Springtime.

Any season is good. Always the present. Live the present. Carpe Diem.

This town is beautiful when there is nobody else except us. That happens any working day of Springtime, Autumn, or Winter. We had beautiful times in any of the four seasons when we were visiting the town. The reason why changes but the pleasure are always great.
Pedraza is also beautiful on the weekends with nice weather.

At that time there is plenty of people from Madrid who want to enjoy being in a nice medieval town, enjoy the countryside, and eating in one of the appealing restaurants of the town a good roasted lamb, salad, wine and with good company. Do you think you need more than that for being like in heaven?

Those people who go with this in mind do not care how much time they are going to spend having lunch. Some spend 2 hours even 3. Having lunch in such a place is social.

Go with us or without us and enjoy it. Cheers!!!

A beautiful sunset in Pedraza

Sunset in Pedraza, Segovia.

I love sunsets. And if you are in the right place with the appropriate company is even better. And if you do it with a glass of good wine in hand then you are in heaven.

Pedraza is amazing no matter if you are going in the morning or the afternoon if you have lunch or dinner at sunset and even at night. That is what we are doing. Going at any time because we know that Pedraza is going to be attractive at any time. And we even prefer to go at different times of the day and also different seasons.

We have been there during the Candles Concert, “noche de las velas”. We have written about it before. This event is unforgettable. To assist to a concert in a medieval town with one of the most important orchestras of the world surrounded by the light of only 30000 candles and having as a roof the sky with thousands of stars in two warm nights of summer is something unbelievable.

Those are the only days when it is appealing to that town surrounded by 10000 visitors.

A special day

I am a lucky man. Y bring foreigners to such an event and I can see through their eyes that the day has been unforgettable. But I would say it is more attractive when there is nearly nobody.

What you see in the picture is one unforgettable sunset, with nearly nobody in the town. For the people who come for the first time, any moment is good. For me that I have been there quite a number of times to visit it in special times and seasons is pretty good. We have a good prize sometimes.

We are quite lucky when we are coming to this town.

There are many beautiful villages in Spain and one that impresses me more is Pedraza in the province of Segovia, only 100 km from Madrid. It is a town that some people from Madrid go on the weekend to live in a medieval atmosphere. And to have lunch with just three ingredients: roasted lamb, good wines (this village is very closed to Ribera del Duero) and a salad.

They say wine is social but I would say that is even more social if you air it ith a good lamb. The word of mouth is working and more and more foreigners are coming to enjoy such a beautiful place.

Pedraza, the medieval town 100 km from Madrid is beautiful no matter where you look at. And a very good place for pairing wine of Ribera del Duero roasted lamb and salad. At least that is what many people from Madrid do every weekend when coming to this town. If you come to Madrid do not miss the opportunity of enjoying this jewel.

Restaurants in Pedraza

Hotels in Pedraza