Beautiful stories with a glass of wine in hand.
historias del vino

Is a horse biting a bull’s ear in that picture? It’s not possible.

I am in love with Seville. I love its life in its streets.

And I love to go for tapas in their bars. The level of their tapas is for me the highest in Spain. Other cities are at a similar level like San Sebastián and Valladolid.

But I feel something very special I, in Seville, For me, it is the city with more life in the world.

There is a bar that stands out to me is of special interest and charm. This is the Casablanca bar.

This bar is in front of the Cathedral of Seville. And I, as I am very exaggerated, say that people will see the Cathedral (which is perhaps the most beautiful in Spain) because they are in Casablanca and not the other way around. That is at least my case.

There are in this bar the best tapas in Seville in my opinion.

Behind that photo, there is a story that excites me.

 I have a special relationship with this picture.

The photo I take is not the best in the world because of the reflections. The original photo is amazing.

In the photo, you see a horse that bites the ear of a bull in a bullfighting event as they cross each other.

The horse has a certain speed and crosses the bull. The bull is also approaching at a certain speed. The horse throws itself to bite the ear before the horn has passed.

How can a horse do that?

The first time I saw the picture I became so impressed that I did not think beyond.

My second visit to Casablanca.

On my second visit to that bar, I thought about how timely and fast the photographer had been capturing that image.

I told myself what a good photographer! I hallucinated.

The third time I went they told me that the photographer who had taken the photo was at the bar.

I approached him. I told him about his photo. He explained to me that he had certainly been very timely. But that everyone in the event knew that the horse would do that.

The rider knew that. You can see in the picture. The rider is doing as much as he can to help the horse to reach the bull’s ear.

Perhaps the most beautiful thing in this story has been how I learned what was behind. Because it has been like a delivery novel. That shows me once again that it is important to have a good story to tell but it is even more important how that story is told.

Neither for nor against the bullfight.

My position regarding bulls has not changed in the least as the years go by. I have assisted in very few bullfight events, my interest in bulls was declining over time. I also believe that the show, seen on television, loses almost all its strength. I also understand those who consider it very hard to make a show of the death of a bull.

But something curious happens to me, and the fact of showing my country to foreigners has made me respect and admire our traditions much more. Moreover, I consider that I live in an amazing country.

Simply say as a summary that every time I enter that bar in Seville, I can’t stop looking at that amazing photo. That photo makes me start enjoying this bar with my five senses.

Our goal in our Madrid wine tours is to make our visitors live intense experiences.

Entering that bar is an experience and much more if it is done with a glass of wine in your hand.

That is what we do in the Winebus.

Our goal is that every one of our wine tours to be an unforgettable experience. We may not always get it. But one thing is for sure. That is our goal.

Written by

Ignacio Segovia

Ceo of Winebus

Madrid Wine Tours

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